Hybrid Events

Unlock Limitless Audience Engagement with Dual-format Events


Go Hybrid!

Blend virtual and physical experiences to extend events beyond the venue

Expand your reach

Cater to a global audience.

Create long-lasting impact

Continue to engage post-event.

Offer flexibility for attendees

Give options to participants.

Grow sustainable events

Lower your carbon footprint.

Manage risks

Prevent disruptions.

Find new opportunities

Attract a wider range of sponsors.


Key features for hybrid shows and conferences

Enrich Event Experiences

All event participants, be it visitors or exhibitors, expect the freedom to to choose when, where, and how they engage, as well as more data to prove their RoI. 

Create More Networking Opportunities with Multi-format Events

Empower participants to meet in video calls, chat, explore content, and more. As a result, exhibitors will increase their brand awareness and sales base by connecting and engaging with visitors pre, during, and post-event, while visitors can network, attend sessions, learn, and collect valuable content.

Bring Your Events to the Homes of Online Audiences

Hybrid events help organizers expand their audience and promote inclusivity, and provide an opportunity to increase revenue by easily tracking critical data about your participants – no matter where they are located.

Personalise Every Experience

Give your visitors and exhibitors the personalised event experience they deserve. Match their interests with content, and suggest compatible seminar options tailored just for them. Allow your exhibitors to increase their brand visibility and collect valuable leads.

Understand and Maximise Participants' Behaviour

Differentiate experiences to target market sectors for the next edition. Identify and qualify the anticipated success an exhibitor would have by exhibiting. Deliver an event experience that makes your visitors return every year. Identify clear behavior patterns and leverage them to sell smarter.


Three decades of expertise in event solutions

For over 30 years, we've been at the forefront of event technology.
Our hybrid-ready features include


Enable easy online and in-person registration and payments.


Facilitate interactions among attendees, irrespective of their location.


Distribute event information and materials through live streams and recorded sessions.


Utilize Visit Connect for seamless lead generation.


Allow attendees to personalize their event schedule.


Empower attendees to take control of their event journey.