Lead Generation

Set Exhibitors Up for Success with Advanced Lead Generation


Offer cutting-edge solutions for effective lead generation

Unleash a wide array of advantages that go beyond the venue

Comprehensive Engagement

Maximize exhibitor-visitor interactions.

Tailored Data Collection

Custom qualifying questions.

Rapid Lead Assignment

Immediate team member allocation.

Visitor Pre-Engagement

Enable meetings & messaging.

Contactless Lead Capture

Scan-to-collect data.

Sustainable & Efficient

Eco-friendly, user-friendly.


Simplify Lead Capture

Visit Connect: The Dedicated Exhibitor App

Visit Connect allows exhibitors to collect qualified leads with questions tailored to their industry, and follow up on those insights later, while taking notes, voice memos and pictures, to avoid gaps during conversations.

How the app works:

Exhibitors can access the app through a simple click, or download it on their mobile devices. They capture leads by scanning the QR codes on visitors’ badges. Works with both digital and printed badges.

Innovative & Engaging: Touchpoints

Touchpoints are small RFID devices linked to a company’s profile or product content (presentations, URLs, brochures, videos etc.), displayed at exhibitors’ stands. You can also use them to share event or seminar-related information, and to track interest and access to specific areas.
How Touchpoints work: 
Visitors tap the Touchpoint using their smart badge to collect content that they can access from their visitor app. In return, exhibitors receive the visitors’ contact data. Touchpoints require the use of printed smart badges (RFID badges).

Simple & Effective: QR Codes

Exhibitors share company and product content (presentations, URLs, brochures, videos, etc.) through QR codes displayed at their booths, integrated into their branding. Organizers can link QR codes to event-related content, display them on media walls or posters across the show floor, and use them to share event information, and track interest in specific topics, seminars etc.
How QR codes work: 
Visitors scan the QR codes using the visitor app to collect content they’re interested in. They can later review that content in the visitor app. In return, exhibitors receive the visitors’ contact information.